Rye Arts Center Presents Live Outdoor Painting Event Along the Sound Shore
On September 15 and 16, dozens of painters will populate the Sound Shore with easels and inspiration. During Rye Arts Center (RAC)’s biennial “Painters on Location” event, artists in various locations along the Sound Shore will paint scenes that are inspired by the landscape, seascape and surroundings in a plein-air (the act of painting outdoors) “paint-out.” Participating artists approach their work with varied mediums, styles and inspirations. For instance, Katharine Dufault’s landscapes are inspired by natural changes in color, light based on the rotating weather and seasons; Ismael Checo depicts the world with vibrant colors inspired by his childhood in Santo Domingo; and Vivian Bergenthal likens her artwork to a dance, noting the rhythms, contrast and shape of her subjects. Artists choose their locations, RAC posts them to a Google Map, and visitors are encouraged to find and observe the painters at work. Favorite chosen locations include Rye Playland, American Yacht Club and Harbor Island Park.
On-location painting will be done on Friday and Saturday, followed by a reception at the Center on Saturday. A live auction will take place later that night for the newly-painted works that were created throughout the weekend. For those who want a sneak peek, previous works by each artist will be on display during a silent auction the week prior, on September 7. For more info and an updated map on painters’ chosen locations, visit: ryeartscenter.org.
Photo caption: Painters On Location (photo courtesy of Rye Arts Center)
A version of this article first appeared in the September 2017 issue of ArtsNews, ArtsWestchester’s monthly publication. ArtsNews is distributed throughout Westchester County. A digital copy is also available at artsw.org/artsnews.
About Mary Alice Franklin
Mary Alice Franklin is ArtsWestchester’s Communications Manager and Editor of ArtsNews. She has a Bachelors in English and Masters in Publishing, and has been published in Paste Magazine, HuffPost, Art Zealous, Art Times, and more.