Josh Blumenthal Opening Reception

Croton River Artisans Gallery announces an opening reception April 1 from 5-7 pm featuring our April Visiting Artist Josh Blumenthal.  Come to 9 Old Post Rd. South in Croton’s Upper Village and meet the artist. Refreshments and live music by guitarist Marcus DaSilva are provided.

Josh crafts unique wooden forms out of a variety of wood species on a lathe and has made furniture and utilitarian forms for 50 years.

CRA Gallery is a cooperative of 9 artists who make unique art in a range of media including painting, sculpture, photography, jewelry, furniture, ceramics, fashion. For the gallery hours and details of the opening and other events visit

About Croton River Artisans LLC

Croton River Artisans LLC is a multi-media storefront gallery featuring the work of its 10 artist owners plus additional guest artists. Located in the Upper Village center of Croton-On-Harmon, we feature original art paintings, photography, ceramics, jewelry, sculpture, wood furniture, quilts and wearable art. We are wheelchair accessible at street level with ample free parking nearby. Come experience this new art venue and add some exciting art to your home or office. Follow us on Instagram, Facebook and at for notice of special events including live music, poetry, and workshops.

The gallery was opened in April 2022 by a group of artists based in and around Croton-on-Hudson, NY. Our nine members’ works in ceramics, painting, photography, jewelry, sculpture, wood and fashion are available Wednesdays through Sundays at 9 Old Post Rd. South. In addition to offering our members’ art, the gallery holds numerous special events throughout the year and regularly features the work of a monthly guest artist. Our member artists are: Jeff Thornton (painting), Jennifer Rutheny (silver jewelry & sculpture), AnnMarie Sasso (live edge wood furniture & accessories), Keith Gordon (ceramic sculpture), Gwenveria Sargeant (fashion accessories), Tracy Platero (ceramics), Orit Daly (ceramics), and Sharon Kulberg (oil painting & jewelry).