A SINGLE THREAD: Exploring the Rich Tapestry of Westchester History
Tutti Bravi Productions, Inc.
P.O. Box 62, New Rochelle, NY 10804
Contact Billie Tucker, 914-316-6577
Tutti Bravi Productions, Inc., in collaboration with The New Rochelle Public Library and the New Rochelle Council on the Arts, Inc., presents A SINGLE THREAD: Exploring the Rich Tapestry of Westchester History
on Sunday, October 29, 2023 at 2:00 pm at the New Rochelle Public Library Ossie Davis Theatre.
The production includes monologues about the elephant in Somers . . . mosaic artist Jeanne Reynal . . .
Helen Gould & Lyndhurst . . . The Leatherman . . . Lou Gehrig Way . . .the Mayflower Coffee Shop . . . the Westchester Tea Party . . . and St. Faith’s House, written by Westchester writers Sande Chen, Jeffrey Fuerst, Maureen Kelly, Donna Landi, Tara Meddaugh, Meghan P. Nolan, Loretta Oleck and Wendy Phelps. The monologues will be performed by Westchester actors Sande Chen, Jeffrey Fuerst, Meghan P. Nolan, Wendy Phelps, Stephanie Schwartz, Sharon Shahar, Sharon Spenser and Jeffrey Spitzer.
Admission to the performance is free, with donations to Tutti Bravi Productions gratefully accepted. To make reservations, go to https://newrochelle.librarycalendar.com/event/tutti-bravi-presents-single-thread-exploring-rich-tapestry-westchester-history
Tutti Bravi Productions’ programs are made possible by Arts Westchester with support from the Westchester County Government.
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