Beyond the Bed: The American Quilt Evolution
Traces the dynamic evolution of the North American quilt – in form, fashion, and function – from the beginning of the 19th century to the present day
Beyond the Bed: The American Quilt Evolution traces the dynamic evolution of the North
American quilt – in form, fashion, and function – from the beginning of the 19th century
to the present day. Guest curator Jean Burks has brought together some of the finest
quilts from across the country intended as bed coverings, articles of clothing, furniture
accessories, wall decoration, and three-dimensional sculptures. The exhibition examines their significance as cultural artifacts and showcases their visual diversity and artistic excellence.The quilts on display illustrate a variety of techniques (whole cloth, pieced, appliquéd) and traditional designs (album, log cabin, crazy, pictorial) representing diverse cultural styles and geographic areas.
Times:Tues-Sat: 10am–5pm;
Sun: 12–5pm