ArtsWestchester’s Gala Aims to Restart the Arts
From ArtsWestchester CEO Janet Langsam:
ArtsWestchester will salute its Westchester and Rockland New York State Legislators at our ReStart the Arts gala on November 20 at the new Opus Westchester (formerly The Ritz-Carlton). The extraordinary action of the delegation in securing $1 million in recovery funds for the arts community will be celebrated in person at a jubilant gathering of the cultural community, in which “festive” is the key to the partying.
In its wake, the pandemic devastated arts industry sectors throughout the country. Nationally, financial losses to nonprofit arts and culture organizations are estimated at $17.97 billion, according to Americans for the Arts. In Westchester, arts venues are just reopening after being shuttered for more than 18 months.
Our state legislators have recognized the need to invest in the cultural sector, and designated one million dollars for grants to Westchester and Rockland arts groups. I’m profoundly grateful for their leadership in launching a legislative initiative to power the cultural industry at this critical time.
Yaniv Blumenfeld, founder of Glacier Global Partners and owner of The Opus Westchester, is this year’s Gala Dinner Chair and host of our in-person event. The Opus has been transformed into a contemporary lifestyle hotel with a fresh city-luxe energy. We are thrilled to showcase this new sophisticated gathering place. Its seduction starts with a magnetic lobby, inviting open spaces, eclectic art and décor, authentic experiences, urban glamour and personalized services. The gala program will include live entertainment as well as the best silent auction in the metropolitan area.
Right now is a critical time for arts groups and cultural venues. They require enormous—and costly—efforts to move forward safely and to relaunch their stalled programming.
Also, as part of our social justice initiative, we aim to underwrite paid high school and college internships and fellowships through our gala sponsorship opportunities, which range from $2,500 to $100,000.
ReStart the Arts Grant Initiative: Application Information
ArtsWestchester has recently announced a new “ReStart the Arts” grant initiative, made possible with support of the Westchester and Rockland delegations of the New York State Legislature.
The initiative aims to help arts and cultural organizations bring back the artists and creative workers who fuel the cultural economy. The hope is to add momentum to the recovery of the cultural sector, and at the same time provide employment for local creative workers.
Eligible organizations can apply for funding of a discrete project that requires them to engage an artist or creative professional. The ReStart the Arts grant provides direct programmatic support for organizations as they apply for funds that will help them to engage creative professionals with work on a specific program or initiative. In providing this support, ReStart the Arts fills a gap left by other COVID-related funding opportunities.
Awards range from $2,500-$25,000. For more information visit or contact
Members of the Westchester and Rockland Delegations of the New York State Legislature being honored at ArtsWestchester’s 2021 Gala include:
Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins, Senator Alessandra Biaggi, Senator Jamaal Bailey, Senator Shelley Mayer, Senator Elijah Reichlin-Melnick, Senator James Skoufis, Senator Peter Harckham, Assemblyperson Amy Paulin, Assemblyman James G. Pretlow, Assemblyman Nader Sayegh, Assemblyman Steve Otis, Assemblyman Thomas Abinanti, Assemblyman Chris Burdick, Assemblyman Kevin Byrne, Assemblyperson Sandra R. Galef, Assemblyman Ken Zebrowski, Assemblyman Mike Lawler, Assemblyman Karl Brabenec and Assemblyman Colin Schmitt.
“There’s no way that we can restart our economy without restarting the arts.” – Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins
“A part of our overall culture, the arts are necessary to provide meaningful expression and imagination to everything we see in the world around us.” – Assemblyman J. Gary Pretlow
“I hope the coming year will be a renaissance for local artists to rebuild better than ever.” – Assemblyman Kenneth Zebrowski
“We need to pump State money into Westchester arts so they continue to inspire and drive the economy of our community.” – Assemblyman Thomas J. Abinanti
“Investments in the arts have an enormous economic multiplying effect, creating jobs and lifting communities.” – Senator Pete Harckham
“Arts organizations benefit our communities in two ways: they lift us in times good and bad, and at the same time they have a significant economic benefit by creating jobs.” – Assemblyman Nader J. Sayegh
“ArtsWestchester, the leading arts council in the state, is not only keeping the arts alive in Westchester but is now poised to bring them back stronger than ever.” – Assemblyman Chris Burdick
“Now more than ever, we need to foster the innovation and creative thinking that comes from art.” – Assembly member Amy Paulin
“This investment will allow our artists to return to their work, and audiences to once again experience the joy and beauty of live performances.” – Senator Shelley Mayer
“We must get artists and performers back to work and revitalize theaters, museums and galleries. Restarting the arts is how we restart New York State!” – Senator Elijah Reichlin-Melnick
“We must do everything possible to support these cultural workers and help the arts make a comeback— starting with providing these vital sectors with the necessary funding they need to recover.” – Senator Alessandra Biaggi
“Connecting with the arts is a powerful way to build communities, and the community is so vibrant here in Westchester County.” – Assembly member Sandra Galef
“Arts organizations are the cornerstone of the cultural and economic life of Westchester.” – Assemblyman Steve Otis
“We must do everything we can to get artists and entertainers back on their feet, and back to doing what they, and we, love.” – Senator James Skoufis
About ArtsWestchester
For more than 50 years, ArtsWestchester has been the community’s connection to the arts. Founded in 1965, it is the largest private not-for-profit arts council in New York State. Its mission is to create an equitable, inclusive, vibrant and sustainable Westchester County in which the arts are integral to and integrated into every facet of life. ArtsWestchester provides programs and services that enrich the lives of everyone in Westchester County. ArtsWestchester helps fund concerts, exhibitions and plays through grants; brings artists into schools and community centers; advocates for the arts; and builds audiences through diverse marketing initiatives. In 1998, ArtsWestchester purchased the nine-story neo-classical bank building at 31 Mamaroneck Avenue which has since been transformed into a multi-use resource for artists, cultural organizations and the community. A two-story gallery is located on the first floor of ArtsWestchester’s historic building on Mamaroneck Avenue.